Server Time: {{serverClock.time | date: 'medium'}}
Server Time: {{serverClock.time | date: 'medium'}}
serverTimeApp = angular.module("serverTimeSample", ['ui.bootstrap','serverTime']);['$rootScope','serverTimeService',function($rootScope,serverTimeService) {
var server_time = new Date().getTime() + (60*60*2*1000); //Simulate different server time
server_time += new Date().getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000; //We assume that server clock sets to UTC (if no, you can multiple this with server timezone offset)
$rootScope.serverClock = serverTimeService.init(server_time);
Note: this addon will assist you sync server base time and client base time (without consider timezones difference, which can be solve by timezone offset calculation)